Talent Analytics
Predictive candidate scores derived from customized algorithms. When investing in talent development, be confident you’ll get a return.
The hiring process doesn't need to be a struggle
Do costs keep climbing?
Have you calculated the cost of hiring, onboarding, and training employees just to have them leave? It doesn’t have to be a sunk expense.
Having a hard time filling positions?
It is a tough market for employers looking to hire talented individuals. Make sure you pick the right people from the beginning so you’re not stuck searching.
Trying to standardize your hiring process?
Every hiring manager has their own “gut” instinct when it comes to hiring. How’s that working for you? Eliminate the guesswork and make data-driven hiring decisions with Talent Analytics.

Solve retention problems using predictive measures
Our approach can improve retention and performance where you need it most. We design custom retention solutions that will accurately predict fit-to-job and fit-to-culture for work roles and work environments.

Organizational intelligence at your fingertips
We confidentially collect data from your team using a series of psychometrically-sound assessments. Our science team conducts deep statistical analyses to identify the psychological drivers of work and culture fit unique to your organization.

With data comes power
Building on decades of established research in applied psychology, cutting-edge research, and the information collected from your employees, we develop customized algorithms for each role that you are looking to fill.

An easy to use executive dashboard
Quickly see how each candidate stacks up against the next. Our click through detail provides not only the predicted fit score of each candidate, but also the interpretations of the measures and interview questions.

Hire with confidence
Utilizing TalentAIM: Talent Analytics has shown to improve job satisfaction by 24% and decrease turnover intentions by 19%. Hiring based on a predictive fit score and training for the talent you need provides the security and the ROI you need in today’s hiring decisions.

Use Real Intelligence When Hiring
When your talent represents your brand, candidate fit is a critical measure. Call us at (970) 222-7636 or schedule a meeting below.