Millennials – a Bad Label or a Way of Being?

I was recently interviewed about my thoughts on “Millennials”. The way it was stated made me react less to the classification of the age group and more to the implied label it suggested. I was oddly struck by the word and the un-PC like implication. “Millennials”… I repeated the word out loud, and sensed a metallic […]

Personality Tests versus Fit-to-Job and Fit-to-Culture Talent Analytics

A recent blog on the Money & Career Cheat Sheet Why Personality Tests Should Not Be Used for Hiring notes that workplace personality testing has become a $500 million dollar industry and makes the case against the use of personality tests in screening applicants. One novel reason highlighted in the blog is negative applicant reactions. Specifically, […]

Should Job Seekers Be Afraid of XQ?

The recent Time Magazine cover story entitled How High is Your XQ? described a world in which employers used psychological tests and predictive analytics to screen applicants with crazy questions like “I do not like to draw attention to myself” and “I enjoy testing my skills against others.” “XQ” was author Eliza Gray’s shorthand way […]

What Makes You Happy?

Gretchen Rubin is a best-selling author of the books The Happiness Project and Better than Before. She is described as one of the most thought-provoking and influential writers on habits and happiness, and has terrific advice on how to begin to make small changes to experience happiness on a daily basis. With her sister Elizabeth, […]

Forget IQ and EQ, let’s talk about jQ™

In its June 22, 2015 cover story, Time Magazine asked the question, “How High is Your XQ?” suggesting your next job could depend on it. The story summarizes the growing popularity of psychological tests combined with predictive analytics to help employers make hiring decisions. Time appropriately noted some concerns with the over-reliance on personality tests – […]

Measuring Culture

jobZology® uses a version of the Organizational Culture Profile (OCP) to assess an organization’s culture. The OCP measures culture on 7 standard dimensions: Stability, Performance, Recognition, Excellence, Collaboration, Innovation, and Guiding Principles. Scores on these seven dimensions can be used to compare one organization to another, and also serve as the baseline for jobZology®’s Fit […]

Through Employee Assessment, We Find Paths to Careers that Fit

High employee turnaround is a huge underlying problem for companies of all sizes. While statistics indicate a cost of $4,000 to $14,000 to replace an hourly employee and up to $45,000 to replace a manager, there are figures that indicate the cost could be as high as $120,000 to replace an employee. Many companies accept […]

The Road to Happiness Begins with Utilizing Our Career Assessment Tools

Recent polling of over 1,000 adults shows that now, more than ever, people from all walks of life are unhappy in their jobs. That is, they are displeased with their supervisors, apathetic about their organization and disconnected from the tasks they are paid to do. Perhaps the reason for this troubling news is because too […]